Thursday, October 29, 2009
New Top 25 poll and videos
Analysis of Vincent reading
Iowa City West High preview
The theme for the 2009-10 Iowa City West High Trojans women’s basketball team will be an up-tempo game, said head coach B.J. Mayer.
“We’re not very tall,” Mayer said. “That’s going to be one of our weaknesses, defending people inside. One of the things we’re going to have to try to do is create that tempo to be chaotic and crazy, see if we can’t get people out of their element.”
Mayer fields a small and also young lineup after losing five seniors from a year ago, including current Iowa volleyball freshman Emma Krieger Kittle. But he has high hopes for the Trojans nonetheless as he inherits a junior class that went 20-1 as sophomores.
The juniors look to mix well with an experienced senior group of Kristin Fomon, Courtney Fritz, Mackenzie Reed, Sophie McDougall and Mallory Daily. Mayer also has been impressed with sophomore Tatum Klein, who he said is the team’s best defender.
Given the depth West has, Mayer plans to use that to his advantage in the fast-paced attack.
“We want to be able to just wear teams down,” he said. “We feel that with our ten kids, we’re going to be able to run kids in and out and not lose a lot of depth and intensity. That’s going to be the biggest challenge for us—playing as many young kids as we’re going to be playing. It’s going to have to keep taking steps forward and hopefully by the end of the year we’ll be playing as good as we can.”
The Trojans are coming off of a 16-6 season in 2008-09 in which they were defeated by Ankeny in the final game of sub-state play. The team learned some good lessons from the experience.
“It’s really difficult to get to the next level until you’ve been there once,” Mayer said. “At West, no one in the girls basketball program has ever been to the state tournament. So to get to that game before state I think was just a huge confidence builder. The more experience you have in those games, the better prepared you are, not only as a coaching staff, but the players who have been there.”
Getting to the tournament surely won’t be an easy path. West has to get through the competitive Mississippi Valley Conference schedule first that boasts top teams like Linn-Mar, Cedar Rapids Kennedy and, of course, the Trojans’ cross-town rival Iowa City High.
Still, that doesn’t take anything away from the goals that Mayer has for this team when it begins practice on November 9.
“We always want to expect a postseason run,” the coach said. “We feel that we play in the top conference in the state. Just by doing that, it gets us better competition and makes you improve in order to compete. Hopefully, when we get to tournament time, we will be playing our best basketball and get that good experience from playing in the Mississippi Valley Conference.”
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Advice from the Sports Guy

My favorite sportswriter is ESPN columnist Bill Simmons, aka The Sports Guy. His ability to combine an incredibly deep knowledge of professional sports with witty, edgy jokes about pop culture is unmatched.
JP: John A. Walsh (Executive Vice-President and Executive Editor of ESPN) once said of you, "He would not have had his voice in a traditional medium. His entry point allowed him to be himself." With the decline of newspapers and onslaught of blogs, many writers are eschewing 'traditional' journalistic training. Do you feel this path is beneficial to aspiring writers?
BS: With all due respect to Walsh, who's my mentor, I disagree. I could have found that voice in a traditional medium; it's just that the medium was too traditional to ever give it a chance. You were only supposed to succeed by writing exactly like everyone else. I like that about the internet - there's no "accepted" style now. If anything, you're better off NOT writing like anyone else. The basics for aspiring writers are still in place: read as much as possible, figure out what's working for writers that you like, work at a style that combines all of those things, keep writing, keep reading, never settle for being average, and don't just say what you think but say it in a way that's fun to read and is constructed in a thought-provoking way. If you're an aspiring writer and want to blog and settle for immediacy/quantity, that's fine. Knock yourself out. That might be the right choice for you. Really, there's no right answer. It depends on the person.
I just think it's too early to say whether journalism is dying. I'd like to think that it's more alive than ever in a lot of ways. As we covered earlier, 24 year old me couldn't have gotten read in 1994. In 2009, 24 year old me could find an audience pretty quickly.That's not progress?
Trip to KU

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Poll results and new poll

Column Time

Here's a column I wrote for my sportswriting class. I haven't written many before, so be easy on me. Enjoy!

Monday, October 19, 2009
November 17 Hoops Marathon

Beginning at midnight on Tuesday, Nov. 17, college basketball fans will have the potential of watching 24 consecutive hours of live games. For the second year, ESPN has put together the marathon as a way to "tip-off" the college hoops season.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Big Ten news

The Big Ten Conference has made several announcements on its Web site.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Short Iowa vid
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Sherron Collins video
Kansas and the preseason Top-25
Monday, October 12, 2009
New look and features to the Basketblog
Take notice the new features on the left side of the page: Up-to-date standings of teams in both conferences, with team names hyperlinked that will take you directly to that school's men's basketball Web page for more information. Also, I will be posting a weekly poll question where ya'll can vote on different topics and see the results instantly.
Obviously, I'm always looking for ways to keep the blog fresh and entertaining, so I would love to hear some feedback of what people think. My email is Send me comments, critiques, criticisms, suggestions, questions or something funny that relates to Big Ten/Big 12 basketball. If it's good I'll post in on the blog!
Thanks a lot for being patient with me and I hope you all enjoy the new stuff!
Robbie Lehman, Basket-blogger
Friday, October 09, 2009
Back to basketball for Jeff Jordan?

It has been reported that Jeff Jordan is considering a return to the game of basketball.